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QUILT-AS-YOU-GO was a Good Grief Experience!

QUILT-AS-YOU-GO was a Good Grief Experience!

My Quilting Mentor, Fran, retired from working. She had completed the quilt top and asked if I could quilt it for her. I was excited to quilt her project with my new Christmas Sewing machine. I cut up her top to make individual blocks. Quilted each block, sewed them all back together when my new sewing machine started smelling like it was burning up. {{ Well, a long story made shorter, I had to go out and buy a new sewing machine after 8 long weeks when it was determined that my Christmas Present could not be fixed. }} In getting to know my current sewing machine, I was able to finish quilting the border and attached it today. YEAH - I am done. Lessons Learned -(a) Use white thread on white fabric especially if you can not sew straight. ( I am a cheap quilter - I do not want to invest into all colors of thread so I only sew with gray. ) (b) Some quilting designs - like blocks inside blocks take a long time to complete and are very boring until you master them. Thanks for listening - I AM BACK! Now, I will be able to finish my sons quilt that I started before Christmas - the creative juices are coming back. I am so excited about what I can make next.

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Posted By MegaPurplette