Crazy Rails
One of "THOSE" projects lol in the begining a post i made in a quilt group..... " VERY VERY frustrated/irritated this a.m. and not sure what went wrong. i was following a youtube demonstration on a design. followed the instructions to a "T". === cut strips to the required 1.25 by 3.5 - then sewed 4 strips together to create blocks. as shown on video. the next step is to sew blocks together in strips.. the photo is the result when i lay them down into a strip. i dont 'see' how this is going to work" then a bit later...... "well, what ever it was i did wrong in my cutting measuring this morning, i am NOT going to toss the pieces to start over.. sooo.... after thinking i decided that since its pretty much a scrappy/crazy thing ANYWAY... why not keep it that way.. so i just put them together and trimmed - and yep they are wonky but seeing assembled i 'like' them haha.. i then realized i did NOT like the size they were going to make the bag (too big) so i took off two pieces and finished assembling this portion - still have to do side two but am happier now.. see what you think.. of my 'Crazy Rails"