North Star Blues

North Star Blues

The DOG. She has begged for a quilt for years. I give her my practice pieces from the long arm but they were not HERS she said. I saw the Northstar tutorial and dang it but she make you believe you can do ANYTHING - she is sneaky like that! Well I watch it and sent off for it and the fabric and spent 4 weeks crying and ripping. I just can't follow a pattern to save my life. I sat down one day and re-wrote the pattern in my own terms. watch the video and got it done. Then Since I had developed a deep resentment at the thing used it as a practice piece. I was gonna take it out and burn it but then - Aggie saw it and went nuts. Here she is in all her glory! It doesn't look too bad now I least when she is laying about in her very own chair!

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Posted By mackenzie