AuntieLo's projects Category Style Type Traditional Batik Twin Lap / Throw Baby Double 5" Square Fabric By The Yard Other 2 1/2" Strips Round and Round pattern by Thimble Blossoms By AuntieLo 10 LIKES | 756 VIEWS T-shirt quilt Created for a basketball fan! By AuntieLo 2 LIKES | 711 VIEWS Sailboat on Water quilt I made this one for a man who loves sailing ... so appropriate! By AuntieLo 10 LIKES | 735 VIEWS Beachcomber Baby I found a kit at my quilt fabric store, first time to try such a project. Love making the flying geese units! FUN! By AuntieLo 5 LIKES | 861 VIEWS Batik for fun I made batik squares, wasn't pleased so I cut them diagonally and put them back together. I now know to pick my patterns and fabrics more carefully. By AuntieLo 5 LIKES | 899 VIEWS Slide Show for Quilts of Valor A great pattern to showcase fabrics .... fun and easy! By AuntieLo 15 LIKES | 1275 VIEWS Around and Around I made this for a relative who loves coffee and tea. By AuntieLo 8 LIKES | 878 VIEWS Skinny Stripes Created for Quilts of Valor By AuntieLo 11 LIKES | 938 VIEWS Patriotic flag panel Created for Quilts of Valor By AuntieLo 6 LIKES | 1228 VIEWS Fractured four-patch Created for Quilts of Valor By AuntieLo 11 LIKES | 858 VIEWS Hole-in-the-Wall Quilt Pattern I enjoy using tropical and beach fabrics By AuntieLo 12 LIKES | 1173 VIEWS Just Can't Cut It guest bedroom quilt By AuntieLo 4 LIKES | 919 VIEWS «12»