On the back side of 60, I'm originally from Spokane, Washington. But married an Oklahoman and then ended up in Texas . We have one son, a wonderful daughter-in-law and the world's cutest 4 yo grandson. Plus a beautiful daughter who has traveled the world and is presently in Texas much to my delight! I haven't been quilting all that long-10-12 years-but am trying to make up for lost time-lol OOPS! Almost forgot about our most important family members--our 2 cats ! Sugar, whose pic is on my profile because she's prettier than I am, is 1/2 Abysinnian and loves her daddy. Mr. B, who is very shy, is a orange and white tabby who is a big Momcat. Both consider themselves expert quilt inspectors :) Mr. B will probably show up in one of my quilt pics.
Part Of The Pack
Nov 13, 2015
Leader Leader
Nov 6, 2015
Someone Really LIkes You
Jun 26, 2015