randymalmstrom Achievements Popular Aug 11, 2018 Quilt Apprentice Oct 28, 2017 Supporter Of The Arts Nov 16, 2015 View All Projects Likes Lists Following Followers Lindsey's Guests This quilt is for my niece Lindsey who has her first GUEST room. I won't be the first guest to stay there, but every guest at Lindsey's house will find love from her, and warmth under their "Aunt Randy" quilt. By randymalmstrom 12 LIKES | 1609 VIEWS Labyrinth I was compelled by the colors By randymalmstrom 33 LIKES | 1342 VIEWS Sweet Lizzie (Ashley) 27 Fabrics, 1868 pieces! Third place in our State Fair 2017 Rahna Summerlin Design By randymalmstrom 21 LIKES | 1297 VIEWS Rings of Friendship A bit of warmth sent to my dear friend Pat after she lost so much in the ravage of Hurricane Harvey. By randymalmstrom 60 LIKES | 34054 VIEWS Christmas bedrunner This project is a combination of old and new. New ideas from a pattern called Twizzle form the center section of the runner while old favorites in the form of stars make up the end pieces. All the fabrics were scraps from my stash. By ckg246 42 LIKES | 7951 VIEWS Yellow/Gray Value Quilt For My Friend I made this quilt for a good friend who loves yellow & gray. The quilt is 54" x63" with 168 blocks & 336 HST's. Most all of the fabrics were bought at different times from estate/garage sales or at a very good sale price. I did big stitch quilting on this one following the diamond pattern in the quilt. I got the inspiration for this quilt from the Sew Katie Did blog in her value quilt tutorials. I'm happy with how it turned out and thrilled that my friend loved it. By pcbatiks 44 LIKES | 2841 VIEWS There doesn’t seem to be anything here at the moment. PattiB kderr TexasDrPepper judjohns karenj2017 SonjaC