A SOUTHERN female whose HAPPY PLACE is a messy sewing room. I am the only caregiver for my 77 year old husband who has survived 6 heart attacks and in the last stage of Alzheimer's. He was recently hospitalized with congestive heart failure on May 10, 2015 - Mother's Day Night, not expected to live, required morphine all night. Thanks for the prayers and loving mercy of MY HEAVENLY FATHER he is home and pain free. I am motivated and thankful for Jenny's tutorials. When I grow up I want to be a "Jenny Doan". UPDATE: My husband was hospitalized again on June 11, 2015, passed away June 16. I am grieving myself to death. I can rejoice because I know he is in HEAVEN WITH HIS HEAVENLY FATHER.
There doesn’t seem to be anything here at the moment.
There doesn’t seem to be anything here at the moment.