Browse Projects Debuts Popular Category Style Type Modern Holiday Batik Civil War Paper Pieced Hand Pieced 30's Memory Heirloom Traditional Art Applique Primitive Other Wall Hanging Table Runner Baby Lap / Throw Twin Double Queen King Other 5" Square 10" Square 2 1/2" Strips 1 1/2" Strips 6" Triangles Fat Quarters 2 1/2" Square Hexagon Fabric By The Yard Other First Crocheted Sweater My mother told me that my grandmother crocheted to help her hands and fingers not hurt so bad. I gave this a try. My fingers feel better. This sweater will go to my little granddaughter who turned 3 years old. I added sleeves and will finish with cute buttons. By Jkdp101 0 LIKES | 26 VIEWS Triple Pinwheel Loved the tutorial that Misty did on the Triple Pinwheel. By sueandcats 0 LIKES | 90 VIEWS Christmas Tree Skirt This is the last project I believe for our Church Bazaar which we have done for 15 years now. We have lost to many members to illness or death or they have moved. I have moved but still in the area. Sadly I don't get to my sewing machine as I am care taker now of my husband who has alztimers By caf7carq 1 LIKES | 91 VIEWS Bubble Outfit This little bubble outfit was made with soft quilting fabric. My little granddaughter was sitting near the quilt I had made for her too. Quilted fabric really makes an outfit feel good. By Jkdp101 1 LIKES | 197 VIEWS Easter Rabbit I made a small felt rabbit and crocheted bag for my granddaughter. This little rabbit has personality. I love to sit down and just start making something. It is good for my soul. By Jkdp101 0 LIKES | 194 VIEWS Granny Square Earrings I challenged myself to crochet earrings. My grandmother use to make all of the girls in the family a pair of santa earrings for Christmas. I added a few beads. This was a fun project. By Jkdp101 0 LIKES | 238 VIEWS Heart I crocheted this little bag for my granddaughter. I just had to add a pom pom to finish it. I started out going by a pattern for the heart but then I added the sides, back, and strap. Somehow I always make things my own. By Jkdp101 0 LIKES | 218 VIEWS Birthday Gift My grandmother was my best friend. She sewed and crocheted until age 93. The creativeness skipped a generation and I sew and love yarn projects. I made this gift for my Mother. She loves it. By Jkdp101 0 LIKES | 229 VIEWS Fat Bottom Bag I needed a project bag for my yarn and accessories. One day I started crocheting without a pattern. I applied what I had learned years ago and followed a tutorial online. The handle has a couple of granny squares incorporated into the project. I practiced increasing and decreasing which helped with the shape. I also used macrame yarn which made the bag very sturdy. I was very pleased with the outcome. By Jkdp101 0 LIKES | 431 VIEWS Apron I made an apron with quilters cotton for my granddaughter for Valentine's Day. She is only two but has been helping in the kitchen lately. I tweeked the pattern a bit and added an extra pocket and towel loop. She loved it! By Jkdp101 1 LIKES | 394 VIEWS Overlapping squares This design has a Hawaiian or Native American flavor. 60” x 33”. By argrant3 1 LIKES | 528 VIEWS Modaic When I was a young boy, my father and I would come up with mosaic designs for trivets using colored square tiles. This design reminds me of that time. 50” x 34” By argrant3 0 LIKES | 307 VIEWS Fall table coverings I made several small table coverings for fall. Some are center piece size and others are more like for a entry way table or dresser. They are similar but trimmed in oranges another in green. Quilted on my Baby Lock with many fancy stiches.. By caf7carq 1 LIKES | 375 VIEWS Window kitty Found in stash. After moving things are still, a bit unorganized. I put this one out as finished however. By caf7carq 2 LIKES | 362 VIEWS Autumn leave table runner. This was a donated unfinished item from a quilting member's family. She passed away earlier this year. I finished it with batting a nice back fabric. It will be donated to the church bazaar of which she was member . By caf7carq 0 LIKES | 390 VIEWS «12345678...147148»