At Thanksgiving of 2006, it was announced that our "theme" for Christmas was homemade gifts for each person, didn't matter what just homemade. I got this crazy idea to piece quilts for each person. Trying to match colors and patterns to their personality. My sisters was first, I used a fun fabric and a pattern with large blocks and after a night of cutting and sewing... I had a quilt top! That first year I pieced 8 and had one cut. The 8 also had been beautifully longarm quilted by a lady in our community. I was so thrilled with my accomplishments - had no idea I could "quilt." It wasn't until 2011 or 2012, that I tried my own hand at the longarm. By no means am I efficient and/or perfect, but it's something I enjoy. The number of nieces and nephews continues to grow, so my gifts of Christmas 2006 happen as they are completed.
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