Hi, I’m Rob Appell, host of Man Sewing. I’m a guy with boundless energy and enthusiasm for life and creativity. I love God, my wife, son and daughter. I enjoy waking up excited each day to see what lies ahead. I’m happiest when I’m outside or in my studio. I have been told that I inspire others and for that I feel very blessed. What is Man Sewing? Well, I am a man who loves to sew and I’m proud of it. I’m passionate about sewing and creativity and have a desire to teach, so I want to share my passion with you. Is Man Sewing just for men? Absolutely not. I’m just a man who sews. Join me every Monday for a new tutorial on YouTube where we’ll use our hands, get covered in thread and create something completely new. It’s going to be high voltage edu-tainment at its finest. Where creativity meets caffeine. Welcome to Man Sewing!
There doesn’t seem to be anything here at the moment.