I live in Anchorage Alaska and have been sewing since I was In grammar school. I made clothes for school, costumes for frat parties and lots of jammie pants and tops. When I left California and moved North to the future my old singer was part of my luggage. After making an extensive amount of Bali Bowls I thought I'd better give my OLD bernia a break and just go straight ahead instead of zig zagging thru rope covered by batiks, I figured Id try to learn to quilt and BOY has that option turned me into a fabric hoarder and fatquarter pack collector. I'm loving every aspect of all that I learn and usually cannot WAIT to finish my new quilt and toss it in the washer so I can cuddle it before it finds a new home. A wonderfully fullfilling sink-hole of time but worth every hour that it consumes. NOW, I understand men and their tools and their garages!