I was born with an old lady soul. I've been sewing since I was five. My Great Aunt taught me how to sew when she was baby sitting me while my parent's mowed her yard. Then my grandmother taught me how to do embroidery and cross stitch and make lots and lots of pillows! I've always loved sewing. I prefer more traditional blocks and patterns to modern. I love making quilts and keep starting multiple quilts and am having problems finishing them all...oh well. My sister tells me I'm turning into my Great Aunt and that I'm just going to have a large stash of quilts to give away to all my nieces and nephews, just like she did. Makes me happy hearing that. I'd love to hear from other quilters! Email me at drawj75@hotmal.com
Leader Leader
May 12, 2015
Part Of The Pack
Mar 22, 2015
Someone Really LIkes You
Mar 13, 2015