I "caught" quilting from my grandmother, who lived next door to our family. From the time I was about 8 or 10 she would take me into her sewing room and show me her ongoing quilt top projects. We'd look over the fabrics in the quilts say, "I remember I had a dress of that fabric," or, "Dad has a shirt of this." Her quilts were always tied by the church's Ladies Aid quilting group. Well, I don't tie my quilts. I have them quilted by a friend who has a longarm. I also go through periods when I am less creative. But I am usually dreaming up some sort of quilt design. I don't use patterns. I design my own. I hope to share some of them with you in the future.
Quilt Apprentice
Sep 17, 2015
Someone Really LIkes You
Aug 28, 2015
Part Of The Pack
Jun 19, 2015